HARRISBURG – The Senate Urban Affairs and Housing Committee will examine the ongoing issues facing communities with population and homeownership decline, according to Chairman David G. Argall (R-29).
Over the past year, several headlines highlighted Detroit’s plight as it relates to population loss and what it means for Pennsylvania’s urban hubs. The Senate committee is bringing in Teri Ooms, the Executive Director at the Institute for Public Policy and Economic Development at Wilkes University, to testify on the topic.
“We want to be ahead of the curve,” Chairman Argall said. “Detroit, unfortunately, is not an isolated case of a once-vibrant city turning into a magnet for crime and blight. I anticipate receiving some constructive dialogue and suggestions to determine where population loss is hurting our communities across the state.”
The committee hearing will be held on Tuesday, October 14 at the state Capitol in Hearing Room No. 1 of the North Office Building at 10 a.m.
The hearing will be live-streamed on Senator Argall’s website.