Dear Editor:
A recent editorial in the Reading Eagle (“Millions wasted on curb cuts that lead to nowhere,” June 18) pointed out the absolute absurdity of several wasteful spending mandates that were included in the federal stimulus bill. However, the same editorial seemed to vilify those of us who helped bring this issue to light and are working to prevent these kinds of abuses of taxpayer dollars in the future.
After hearing from several frustrated constituents during town hall meetings and other community events, I joined with Reps. Knowles and Tobash to urge Congressmen Holden, Dent, Gerlach and Pitts, and Senators Casey and Toomey to take action to prevent wasteful spending such as the “sidewalks to nowhere.” We encouraged federal lawmakers to give municipalities the power to exercise common sense judgment regarding local spending priorities. Our press event served two important purposes: to raise awareness of the problem, and to ask for the public’s help in identifying other potential abuses of taxpayer dollars. Since this press conference, several area residents have responded by pointing out other wasteful spending projects. One constituent contacted me recently to point out several additional “sidewalks to nowhere” projects in her area. She wrote, “I could not believe my eyes! Has government gone completely nuts?”
I echo these sentiments; it is completely nuts for the federal government to require municipalities to complete wasteful projects while ignoring other vital priorities for our communities. That’s why I have joined to fight against this wasteful spending, and I will continue to make these abuses known to federal lawmakers and enumerate our true infrastructure needs until these wasteful projects are eliminated.
Senator David G. Argall (R-29)
Contact: Jon Hopcraft
(717) 787-2637
(570) 773-0891