SLATINGTON – Senator David G. Argall (R-29) and Representative Julie Harhart (R-183) today announced Slatington Borough will receive $386,442 through Pennsylvania’s Department of Community and Economic Development’s H2O PA program.
“During these tough economic times, our infrastructure is a vital part of our communities,” said Argall. “I’m pleased to see Slatington Borough receive this necessary funding to maintain and improve their water supply. I applaud the efforts of the members of Borough Council to reach out to Representative Harhart’s and my offices to ensure this funding would be brought to Slatington.”
“I am pleased the administration selected Slatington Borough Authority as one of the H2O grant recipients,” said Harhart. “This funding will go a long way in helping the borough make necessary improvements to its outdated sewer system, thereby improving overall operations of the plant.”
The H2O PA Act was established by the General Assembly in July 2008. The Act provides for single-year or multi-year grants to municipalities or municipal authorities to assist with the construction of important drinking water, sanitary sewer and storm sewer projects.
Contact: Jon Hopcraft
(717) 787-2637
(570) 773-0891