PALMERTON – This month’s local TV report by Senator Argall takes an in-depth look at Blue Mountain Ski Area in which the discussion focuses on creating and maintaining jobs, investing in energy efficient systems, and future expansion plans which will yield more jobs for our area.
“In tough economic times, I want to continue highlighting employers who have not only maintained jobs, but have a blueprint in place to create new jobs. The tour of Blue Mountain examines expansion plans for a new water park, snow-making efficiencies, new technologies for a better consumer experience, and opportunities for energy independence. I think the show is beneficial to see how local companies are laying foundations to ensure success for years to come,” stated Senator Argall.
Blue Mountain Ski Area is located in Carbon County and provides 32 full-time jobs, along with 1,280 part-time jobs. Blue Mountain is strategically expanding to include weddings in the summer, as well as planning the first phase of a large water park, which could yield up to 30 more full-time jobs and several hundred part-time jobs.
The program will air on:
- Blue Ridge Communications (Channel 13) every Monday between 8-11am.
- Comcast On-Demand on Channel 1 -Get Local -Government -State Senate.
- Reading (Channel 21) and Hamburg (Channel 19) every Monday at 3pm and 8:30pm and every Tuesday at 9am.
- Service Electric (Channel 19) the 2nd and 4th Wednesday at 7pm.
- The program is also available on Shen-Heights TV and WLYN TV 35 in Hazleton. Please check local listings for air times.
Senator Argall’s report is also available online at
Contact: Jon Hopcraft
(717) 787-2637
(570) 773-0891