Argall Co-Sponsors Legislation to Prevent Illegal Immigrants from Receiving Public Benefits

HARRISBURG – State Senator David G. Argall (R-29) today announced that he will co-sponsor legislation to require individuals to provide identification to prove they are legal Pennsylvania residents in order to receive public benefits.

The legislation would help prevent illegal aliens from receiving public benefits such as welfare, Medicaid and in-state college tuition rates. Illegal aliens are prohibited from receiving public benefits other than emergency medical care, immunizations and disaster relief funds under federal law, but many believe the state does not do enough to enforce the law.

“As our state government looks to cut spending this year in order to balance our budget, we must address the abuse of public assistance programs. Legal citizens should not have their hard-earned tax dollars going to pay for benefits of someone who entered our country and state illegally,” Argall said.

During the 2009-10 Session, this legislation passed in the State Senate 41-9, but failed to pass in the House of Representatives. The legislation will be reintroduced during the 2011-12 Session.

Contact: Jon Hopcraft
(717) 787-2637

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