HARRISBURG – Two Schuylkill County water and sewer projects will receive more than $900,000 in grants and low-interest loans from the Pennsylvania Infrastructure Investment Authority (PENNVEST), according to State Senator David G. Argall (R-29) and Representative Jerry Knowles (R-124).
As part of the current round of PENNVEST loan and grant initiatives, Port Clinton Borough will receive a $265,900 grant for costs associated with the design and engineering of its first-ever sanitary sewer collection and conveyance system to serve the Borough and a portion of West Brunswick Township. The project will consist of approximately 7,395 lf (linear feet) of 8″ gravity sewers, 6,400 lf of 2″ low pressure sewers, 40 grinder pumps, and a 45,000 gallon per day pump station. The conveyance system will include approximately 12,550 lf of 4-inch force main.
Additionally, the Auburn Municipal Authority will receive a $659,700 loan to replace the water main along Market Street, which includes replacement of approximately 2,500 feet of 10-inch diameter ductile iron pipe, as well as replacement of 327 aged water meters.
“This funding is necessary to improve the health of local residents and to improve the quality of our local streams and Schuylkill River,” Argall said. “Additionally, both projects are expected to create new construction jobs, which are an added benefit during this difficult economy.”
Knowles, who represents Port Clinton Borough in the 124th Legislative House District added, “I have serious concerns about wasteful spending, particularly in these difficult financial times. But there is a big difference between spending for buildings dedicated to U.S. Congressmen and Senators and spending for much-needed improvements to local infrastructure. I am pleased these projects are moving forward because they will improve the health and well-being of local residents.”
PENNVEST provides financial assistance to communities throughout Pennsylvania seeking to improve environmental conditions and safeguard the health of residents.
Nick Troutman, 570-773-0891 (Sen. Argall)
Sean Yeakle, 717-787-3406 (Rep. Knowles)