HARRISBURG – The Senate today approved a measure, 50-0, establishing a high-level bipartisan commission to identify additional cost-saving measures in state government, according to its prime sponsor State Senator David G. Argall (R-29).
Senate Resolution 161 creates a commission made up of ten appointees from the private and public sectors to help the Senate eliminate unnecessary government spending. The commission will also utilize Senate staff with no additional cost to the taxpayers.
“I am pleased that Senate Resolution 161 was approved by my colleagues,” Argall said. “The latest budget impasse provides ample proof that such a cost-cutting commission is desperately needed at this time.”
“Every year, members of the House and Senate and their staffs review the budget for possible cuts during the budget debate. With this terrible recession placing greater strains than ever before on many of our family budgets, this private-public sector commission will help us identify real savings that will be important to balance future state budgets and avoid unnecessary tax increases,” Argall said.
In the mid 1990’s, State Representative Julie Harhart introduced a similar resolution, which created the Improve Management Performance and Cost Control Task Force commission (IMPACCT) that ultimately produced significant savings over a five-year period.
“Like Rep. Harhart, I am suggesting a much longer and more detailed review, of every agency, incorporating individuals from the private sector with a proven record of reducing costs as well as members of the House and Senate and our staff. Families and businesses have learned how to control costs–state government needs to learn from their example,” Argall added.
The Senate resolution calls for the new commission, which will consist of six members appointed by the Senate Majority Leader and four appointed by the Senate Minority Leader, to submit its findings and recommendations to the Senate by June 30, 2010.
Contact: Nick Troutman
(717) 787-2637