HARRISBURG – Jackson Township has received a Sewage Facilities Enforcement Grant of $3,477, according to Rep. Mario M. Scavello (R-Monroe), and Sen. David G. Argall (R-29).
“No matter the size of the grant, any state money that comes into local municipalities is welcomed and important because it helps pay for a portion of the costs of necessary programs, many of which are mandated by the state,” said Argall.
“I will continue to work with the state Senate and state agencies to bring Commonwealth funding to projects in Monroe County,” said Scavello. “These grants are important to Monroe County to preserve water quality and the region’s natural beauty.”
The grant comes from the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), which reimburses half of the eligible expenses of a municipality’s performing sewage enforcement.
The grant was included in $2.2 million in recently announced sewage facilities enforcement grants, which help cover costs for inspection and permitting of on-lot septic systems.
Contact: Nick Troutman
(717) 787-2637